
At 4:00 PM, on the 2nd of November, 2013, at Sin-aing Village, Pauktaw Township, Rakhine (Arakan) State, a crime against Arakanese Buddhist women was committedby the Bengali Muslims (so-called Rohingya). It happened as follows. Some 30 Arakanese Buddhist women went for collecting mollusks at that time and some 50 Bengali Muslims hacked them with knives. Consequently, Ma Hla Khin, a 40-year-old Arakanese Buddhist woman, died from the wounds on the spot and Ma Than Khin, an 18-year-old Arakanese Buddhist girl whose father is named U Sein Hla Tun, got quite a serious wound on her left arm, another on her back, another wound on her neck. Now the victim woman has been hospitalized as an emergency patient at Sittwe General Hospital. ွွSome Arakanese scholars opine that Bengali Muslims did this as they want to do something bad towards the Arakanese community and then to reverse the story in their pro-Bengali media, and that the Bengali Muslims did this because they got news that OIC will come to Myanmar soon!